
Most advanced society management solution

Booking your favorite amenities to creating gate pass to raising tickets to paying bills has never been this seamless.

At the same time the management dashboard has been designed to ensure that publishing, tracking and monitoring of services by office bearers across all the features is extremely simple, yet very effective

Society features

Most advanced feature offerings and the only solution truly designed and built keeping in mind needs of society office bearers and our end customers


Digital ID

Passport to access the project. Digitization enables convenience and eliminates the need of carrying physical ID cards

Visitor Management

Simple 3-click Gatepass creation for seamless entry and exit for guests. Helps create a safe and secure environment for all

Notice Board

Keep your residents updated with the latest happenings. Key notices can be starred to ensure its better highlighted


Easier for organizers to publish and track the effectiveness of events. Residents can view, book & participate in the events


SLA based management module ensuring better vendor effectiveness and resulting in higher customer satisfaction


Residents can book amenities in 5 easy steps. Module also enables tracking of utilization levels across amenities.


Can generate one time or automated recurring invoices as need arises. Multiple payment options ensures higher recoveries


Create polls & survey to understand resident pulse. Facebook style engagement platform for effective communication

Integration with Most Powerful

Dynamically pursue convergence rather than 24/7 process improvements develop end-to-end customer service action items.

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