Digital ID

Post UPI, how your mobile phone has become your wallet, similarly our App makes your phone your ID proof and eliminates the need to carry physical ID cards

Simplifies ID check process across amenities, access gates & other key common areas (KCA)

Lifestyle projects have various KCAs which required effective access control. Our Digital ID streamlines this entire KCA ID check and authorization process

Ease and convenience as it eliminates the need for carrying physical ID cards

Earlier was difficult for guard to ascertain the authenticity of the person in case someone not carrying Physical ID card. thereby becoming a security risk

Saves time, effort & money for all involved and eliminates circulation of inactive ID cards

The entire process of capturing information, printing card and then issuing to resident is very time consuming and inefficient in the digital era

Digital ID Journey in App

Secure and seamless access across the project and to the KCAs has been the core area of concern which we have efficiently addressed

Digital ID

Passport to access the project and green dot indicates real ID

Access to Project

Digital ID issued at a Project Level

Access to Society

Flat residing details mentioned on the ID

Access to KCAs

Membership active/ not active highlighted