
Any physical sports or activity enhances fitness, mental well-being and overall happiness. This module makes it seamless to book any amenity of your choice

Easy to configure slots, amenities, pricing, memberships and other configurations

Few steps to configure any amenity, the module ensures flexibility in terms of pricing, slots, leaves, memberships, maximum booking allowed and others

Robust Analytics to enhance utilization of amenities, thus generating higher revenue

All the details of bookings are captured which can help with better planning and provide analytics on performance & future improvement areas

Simple, easy and few click process for resident to book any of their favourite amenity

User friendly flow whereby only a few simple steps in the resident app to buy any membership (if applicable) or to book your favourite amenity in advance

Amenity Booking Journey in App

View, book and have fun playing your favourite sport along with your friend & your loved ones and never again worry about not finding an empty court to play

View Amenities

All amenities are displayed at one place

Amenity Page

Choose your amenity and the booking slot

Book Amenity

Select members & guests (if applicable) and book

View Bookings

Bookings available in Account, Amenity Bookings section